Astrid Season 3 – When Will it Premiere in the US?

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French crime drama Astrid et Raphaëlle premiered in the US under the name Astrid. Two seasons are available in the US right now, but will there be season 3? Yes, and lucky for us Astrid fans, it’s already aired in France.
What’s Astrid About?
Astrid is a French crime drama that follows police detective Major Raphaëlle Coste (Lola Dewaere) as she works and develops a friendship with Astrid Nielsen (Sara Mortensen) – an autistic woman who works in the police archives.
Raphaëlle is outgoing, warm and friendly, while Astrid is awkward, brilliant, and logical. The two women develop a strong bond as they work together to solve complex cases.
Astrid’s remarkable memory and uncanny ability to discern patterns and connections others overlook prove indispensable to Raphaëlle. Through this collaboration, they not only enhance each other’s lives but also forge a close friendship.
Astrid is (in my opinion) a must-watch French crime drama. The cases they work on are unique, but it’s how Astrid and Raphaëlle help each other professionally and personally, that keeps me watching.
The character development and story also explore things going on in each of their personal lives.
When Will Season 3 of Astrid Premiere in the US?
Season 2 of Astrid premiered on PBS Masterpiece on January 20th, 2023. It’s in French with English subtitles, so if you’re learning the French language, it’s great.
If you haven’t seen seasons 1 and 2 of Astrid, you can do so HERE.
Astrid season 3 has already aired in France, but it hasn’t premiered in the US yet. Currently, there is no official air date. We will update this post when we have a confirmed date.
Streaming rights and translation can slow things down, but the popularity of the show will likely make it a high-priority show. Astrid season 3 will have 8 full-length episodes.
The main cast will return, including Jean-Louis Boy stars as Carl Bachert, alongside Meledeen Yacoubi as Arthur Enguien, Geoffroy Thiebaut as Alain Gaillard, Aliosha Itovich as Angus Nielsen, Husky Kihal as Henry Fournier, Timi-Joy Marbot in a dual role as Théo Coste-Rougier, Jean-Benoit Souilh as William Thomas, and Saïto Kengo as Tetsuo Tanaka.
Will There Be a Season 4 of Astrid?
We haven’t even seen season 3, but there’s more news to look forward to – Astrid season 4 is currently filming! Hopefully, PBS will bring seasons 3 and 4 without much delay.